The slightly dull but quite important stuff

1. I am not a fitness or medical professional – everything that I post about here is based on my personal experience. If you are about to start running, or lifting or working out generally and you’re new to fitness it’s always best to get checked out by your doctor.

2. This blog is about my fitness journey. It started as a way to track my marathon training and has grown from there. From time to time I may talk about products or services that I use. Most of the time these will be products that I have bought with my own money or services where I am a paying customer.

3. Every now and again I get offered products to review or am invited to attend a free class in return for writing a review or mentioning the product on my blog. Now, everyone loves a freebie but I try to only accept offers which are products or classes that I would consider paying for. I don’t intend this blog to become an advertising space.

4. If I do mention something that I’ve been sent for free or have attended for free I’ll always disclose that in the blog post. I’ll always share my honest opinions.

5. That said, if you have a product that you’d like me to review or a class you think I’d enjoy then please do get in touch. As I said, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like a freebie and I am interested in trying out new and innovative fitness products. I’ll always discuss expectations up front so we’re both clear.

6. Very rarely I’ll be compensated with money for writing an article. If this is ever the case the post will be clearly marked as sponsored.

7. I sometimes use affiliate links in my posts. That means that I get a small amount of commission if you buy the product having followed the link. It doesn’t increase the price for you at all. I use any money I earn to help cover the costs of writing this blog.

Thank you for listening. Over and out.

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