I’m a JuliaBFit Fitness Rockstar!

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If you’ve been following my blog for a while you’ll know that I’ve been training with Julia Buckley via her online gym for a few years now with great results. Julia has recently launched the Fitness Rockstar Collective and I’m delighted that she’s given me the opportunity to be part of this group. So, what’s it all about?

The Fitness Rockstars are a collective of people with a mission to make the world a healthier, happier place.

We’re not professional athletes, or even what many would consider typical “fitness people”, but we all appreciate the privilege of having the ability to move our bodies and we’ve all experienced having our worlds rocked by the astounding difference fitness and health has made to our lives.

Neither are we celebrities, or in a position to spread our message to millions of people, but if something we post or share can help inspire someone else to start their fitness journey and experience the benefits that we have, then we’ll feel like stars for sure.

To launch this collective and help you and us to get to know each other Julia’s asked us to take part in the #JuliaBFit Fitness Rockstar Spotlight Interview. So here’s mine.

1919345_10153316956031012_3243980743257718414_n1. For me, fitness is all about: My physical and mental health and happiness.
2. I get most excited to do my workout when: There’s a chance of me nailing a new personal best lift.
3. When a workout really pushes me to my limit, I think to myself: What if I could? What if I could make this lift or do that extra rep? (That’s one I nicked from Julia)
4. I’m most likely to skip my workout if: I haven’t been organised and planned things in advance -like getting my kit out the night before or deciding which workout I’m going to do. I’m a terrible procrastinator so planning things in advance removes most opportunities for procrastination!
5. In a group fitness session I’ll be the one who: Is encouraging others to lift heavier! I only attend one group session these days and that’s my Strongman/woman class on a Saturday. I’m always egging other people on to try lifting a heavier weight.
11813476_10155901399640343_7688727380855750762_n6. The item of exercise equipment I’d most hate to go without is: The barbell. I just love it. It’s pretty versatile and chucking the barbell over my head makes me feel like a superhero.
7. The last thing I usually do before starting my workout is: Fix my ponytail.
8. My top 5 workout music tracks are: I don’t often choose my own workout music as it’s just on in the background at the gym. The guy that runs my gym has a pretty eclectic 80s/90s music selection so I can be working out to anything from Neneh Cherry to The Prodigy to the Wee Papa Girl Rappers.
9. If I start feeling meh about fitness I give myself a boost by: Thinking about how far I’ve come or focusing on a new goal. Although to be honest I rarely feel ‘meh’ about fitness because it’s just become part of my life and something that I genuinely enjoy.
10. The most important thing I’ve learned about fitness in the last year is: That while I love lifting heavy I need to remember to work on all aspects of my fitness. I need to pay particular attention to mobility as I get older or I’m going to end up as a very strong old lady who can’t actually move around!

If you want to meet more of the collective then just search on social media using the #FitnessRockstar hashtag. To try out Julia’s gym for free click here

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3 thoughts

  1. Yes to fixing your hair! I pretty much said exactly the same! 🙂
    I’m still at the beginning of my lifting journey, but I finally got a very modest deadlift PB last week and it encouraged me to keep on pushing past my limits. I didn’t expect such a huge high from it..

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